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Lush Cosmetics Cupcake - Fresh Face Mask Review

Chocolate and skincare? These are two things we’re always told to keep separate, and chocolate is the number one thing you’re supposed to avoid when you’re trying to clear up your skin! I've been so excited to do this review, but I've forced myself to wait until I've used it a good few times so I can be as reliable and honest as possible. I got this from Lush about a week ago after it was recommended to me by the lovely saleswoman, who said this one was brilliant for oily, spotty, teenage skin. 

What Lush says: Rhassoul mud, which is highly absorbent, works with cocoa powder to draw out all the dirt and impurities and give a deep cleanse. Fresh mint stimulates and tones the skin, whilst linseed and cocoa butter soften and moisturise. Smoothe a generous layer of this mask onto your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

Let me start by saying this mask smells absolutely phenomenal; exactly like dark, rich chocolate. There's a tiny hint of earthiness and peppermint to it, but it's not overpowering or a weird mixture of scents. The mask itself is extremely thick, and it is probably made thicker with it being kept in the fridge. It's also got a gritty texture, which you can use to exfoliate your skin when you rinse off the mask. This is a fresh mask, meaning it is made with fresh and natural ingredients from Lush's kitchen. Due to this, it has a life of around 3 to 4 weeks, and I'd say you could get through the tub in that time with 2 applications per week.

I applied this gorgeous smelling chocolately piece of heaven after cleansing my face with my Skin Doctors T-Zone face wash, and oooh goodness, I was not prepared for how chilly it was on my skin! Having been kept in the fridge, it's really shockingly cold on the face at first, but soon warms up, no fear! What struck me was the texture; pretty gritty to exfoliate the skin, but really easy to spread around using the warmth of your fingers. I used a fair amount of product to create a super thick, gorgeous smelling layer on my face, and then sat for about 20-30 mins to allow it to dry (the tub says to leave it for less, but I like to indulge myself, what can I say!).

When I removed it, I used circular motions with my fingers to get a nice deep cleanse and exfoliation from the grittiness in the mask. I was honestly so so so impressed with the freshness of my skin after I'd got rid of the mask; my skin looked so bright and detoxified. I also noticed that my usual oil-slick of a face was perfectly matte for at least 4 or 5 hours after I'd used the mask, which is incredible and amazing for me. With this new knowledge, I'm going to use this during my pre-outing ritual and make it a feature in my getting ready process, and hopefully it'll keep my makeup shine-free and matte looking too! 

I've got absolutely nothing but positive things to say about this beautiful face mask; even the price of a mere £6.25 to last you about a month is brilliant. As the time has gone on, over the course of the week I've seen a reduction in the redness of my spots, and my skin is becoming less and less greasy after I've used it. This is my first ever Lush product and I'm so very impressed, and I can't wait to try out some of their other things! The swines even gave me a copy of their gorgeous new catalog, which is littered with markings and circles of all the new things I 'need'! 

Have you tried Lush's Cupcake, or any of their fresh face masks? Send me the links to any of your reviews; I'd love to have a look! 

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