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Makeup Madness + other things

Number One
Life happened and my makeup ban flew out the window. First it was perfume then came lipsticks, more lipsticks and I imagine there might be some lip glosses to come. Total fail. Well not really - whilst abstaining from makeup I actually came to a relaxing point where I was very satisfied with what I had and didn't really feel for anything more. Until that is .. life happened. Otherwise, It was great to not spend time mauling over the next purchase, looking at reviews and then spending money ... instead I did other things like ... going outside.

What is this post about? Well apart from unveiling my makeup ban fail ... I've got some news. Possibly good ... I've got loads of posts that I will be posting and you might be interested in them - list time ...
  • New Foundation Post (where I'll be updating all my new foundations in my collection - warning there is a lot)
  • Lipstick posts for dark skin - covering nude lips and other shades eventually 
  • More lip product reviews (because I have a lot)
  • A full blush collection review - possibly separated into cream blushes and powder blushes
  • A makeup brush collection/purge post
  • DIY posts - to create difference makeup looks and effects plus natural homemade recipes for beauty products and possibly food posts too 
  • Style Files (long overdue post - possibly showing you me decluttering or what's left at the end of my clothing purge)
  • Update my to-do list 
  • Make a music post (was on my last 'to do' list) - where I'll be showcasing songs I've made  
  • More thinking out loud posts and minimalism posts
  • An animation - again something that was on my to-do list ... + drawing posts because I'd really like to get into drawing more ... showcase my hobies I guess
  • Healthy eating and exercise posts - this will be fun ...
& there's other news ... I've decided that in some posts I might ... maybe show my face. I know, is the sky falling? I've actually already uploaded a pic (in an old post) but I'm just taking this time to warn you that there maybe more ... Don't worry this isn't going to turn into a FOTD blog as I still want to bore you with words. Its alright ... you're welcome. What has spurred this on ? Well ..  Vanity is vexation and whilst I'm still kinda concious of how I look, as the years go by I'm beginning to care less about the flaws. Seriously though, I've been thinking about including pictures from time to time, for a long while now in an effort to a bit more helpful in my posts and I guess there's no time like the present ... However, I'll try to not overload my face everywhere for both your sake and my sanity. 

... me getting artsy with editing but don't worry when I'm doing helpful pics of my face - I'll try to use natural lighting like most of my other pictures and they won't be edited like this ... because of course I'm not naturally blue ... well not literally . Oh and that substance is actually makeup not a narcotic - in case you were wondering - its linked with the makeup madness theme ... 
Fine ok ... so you want some real (un-blue) pictures - later. Well now you've kinda seen me ... usually you wont but, every now and then I might just appear to let you know what kinda face you're/I'm dealing with. Anyway ... I just also want to add that if you have any ideas for posts that you may want to see ?? - your comments will be welcomed. I have put up a contact me page up for some time but, for some reason it has not been working/able to view ... I'm hoping to fix that ...

Also ... I will be going back on a makeup/shopping ban again ... at a later date .... Actually, I've been getting rid of a few makeup items here and there which is very unusual for me.  Yet following the mantra of only keeping things that bring me joy - has helped me eradicate a few things that either had negative memories, never worked or it's time was more than up ... 

Hmm I guess since I've shown me face, I might as well put name to it - here's a clue. And yeah people have sung that song to me before (its a nice song) ... Alright that's enough sharing for today ... I'll recline back to my hovel and behind the scenes - Till we meet again. 

Any thoughts & opinions? 
Your comments are always welcomed and appreciated ! 
Lots of love from me to you + a hug .. if you want it 

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