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Multi-tasking Skin Care: In Her Element Skin Care Review + Price

Here's a review on In Her Element Skin Care.

PRICE: Facial Wash- P675.00; Cleansing Oil- P450.00; Rose Gel Serum Moisturizer- P895.00
FROM: Free
OTHER LOCATIONS: Available at inherelement.ph


I can get so busy that I oftentimes ditch skin care and wear minimal makeup (appalling for a Beauty Blogger, right?!) just to make it to my next meeting and get more work done. I appreciate it when brands come out with multitasking skin care products like In Her Element because it saves me a lot of time. I liked In Her Element Nourish and Cleanse Balm because of its many uses and I recently tried out a few more and here's what I think about them.

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