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Perfect Time for a Wish

Everyone was so excited to celebrate the 11.11.11. They say it only happens once every 100 years so I guess it is pretty much a big deal. It caught everyone's attention when Banchetto announced that they will be hosting a wishing lantern event wherein people can light up wishing lanterns and release it at the same time. Yes, all 1,000 of them. Of course all the same time at exactly 11:11 pm. But lo and behold Banchetto cancelled the event due to safety reasons. Good thing our original plan was to go to the Fort and light up the lanterns there. So yea we were happy kids at the end of the day. :> 
Time for the pictures to do the talking...
Before all the lantern story just wanna share what happened during the day. My friends all the way from UST made a visit! Thank you Abby and Aly. You made my day extra special. 
Ate at Adobo Connection in Pearl Plaza. It was my first time to eat there actually and yea I'm pretty much pleased with their food and service. 
After lunch, I went immediately to the assigned room for the next class. I thought I was late already since everybody in the room was quiet. Surprisingly enough, the prof wasn't there yet. Then discovered that they were all watching Simpsons! haha 
Now time to light up some lanterns! Fort fort fort! 
Most of the photos from here until the end of the post are from Sarah
Lovely shot by Sarah! 
After making our lanterns fly, we decided we wanted to light up another one. We called it the 'love lantern'. It was so challenging to make it fly cause there were holes in it. We had to put band-aids! 
Girl scout na girl scout ako! Nung ayaw talaga lumipad grabbed my emergency kit and placed band-aids on our holey moley lantern. haha 
my outfit that night
top: Zara, tank top: Cotton On, necklace: The Bling Project, pants: Zara, flats: TRF
Oh diba kimono ang outfit perfect sa paglight ng Japanese lanterns! 
Patience is the key cause true love waits
May ganun? haha


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