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3rd Quarter Empties (June July August)

For the first time in my life, I am actually doing an Empties Video!

I have never documented the things I finish using or the things I have to throw away, because it just doesn't occurs to me that it will be helpful.

But hey, I was wrong.

I realise that I do like reading or watching what other people have in their Empties, because then, that's a true representation of what has been liked and what has been hated, and what has been real, and not just a fleeting statement.

I think it is immensely helpful for me to look at Empties and know if the user says Yay or Nay to a product. I have stopped lemming for so many uber-hyped products because of that.

So say yay! Now, it's my turn. I hope I can keep this up for the last quarter of the year, and do another one!

In the meantime, here is my animated version on Yay or Nay! There are many products, so do check it out. =)

Part 1

Do pardon the long video again, because these are empties for three whole months. =)

Part 2