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Outfit: Of Mercer

I want to tell you about a workwear brand that I really like.  Of Mercer.  As many of you know, I'm a full time, practicing attorney.  My job is somewhat conservative; we can't really take many fashion risks, so dressing for work can get a little bit boring some days. Read: a lot boring.

I'm excited to tell you about Of Mercer because it stays true to its goal: impeccable workwear fashioned for your life. Impeccable indeed; well tailored, high quality fabric, WORK wear pieces that are actually, work appropriate.  I see so many companies that try to pass off a pair of pants or a dress as office appropriate, and I think to myself, are you kidding me? With a hemline that's 8 inches above the knee? I mean, I know it's commonly done (trust: I see a lot of tragic outfits during the week), but in my mind, an office means you keep it appropriate.  You don't show too much leg and you don't walk around in spandex or minis.
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