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Brad Jackson and Francis Cianfrocca still worshiping Steve Jobs

Neil Knight
 Steve Jobs was a corporatist among the worse authoritarians of all time and after ten year sof his death he is still worshiped and missed by many. bad podcaster Brad Jackson and the only guy he can ever muster up as a guest were speaking and celebrating Steve Jobs as many just cannot let this guy go and think he is an immortal God. in the emerging world of cybergenetics and AI Gods there surely will be a Steve Jobs God out there and the attention to detail is what both Jackson and Cianfrocco clearly were impressed with Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs is so beloved by the technocrats for ebasically just taking a computer and making it smaller and thus inferioir in power and speed.
Steve Jobs could of ran concentration camps and you would have jack fuckers still worshipping this creep and perhaps if they visited one of FoxConn's manufacturing plants and see what an Apple concentration slave-wage labor camp was like these jerks may reconsider all of the  appreciable appraise heralded towards a dickhead like Steve jobs because he brought about an ipod/phone combination. Jackson couldn't believe how the color white was chosen for the first i phones and both men went on to describe the Apple sprawl campus that Steve Jobs meticulously detailed down to the hen house and where the programmers would take a piss and shit.
   Sir Francis and general Jackson will always lay praise to Steve Jobs because they like the product and the revolutionary product it was but it will soon one day be gone just like the walkman and other products despite the hoarding of wealth and money by Apple as it remains a massive conglomerate and tool of the plutocratic class for mass consumption, profit, and distraction that in the long run adds very little to humanity and civilization. There were many companies  making MP3s and had possibility to make phones and many did offering products that in essence were not that inferior to Apple. Apple products are the luxury purse of technology and Steve Jobs only success was creating an illusion that he was some incredible illusionsionary when in fact the guy took many other peoples ideas. These two clowns also celebrated Steve Jobs leadership style as being a prick and rude as a boss somehow is positive in the libertarian thought minds of Jackson and CianFracoo. Jobs and apple lived off a pile of horse manure and debt creating an expensive phone and mini computer pocket toy way over -priced and apple could only survive and thrive in an era of globalization and monpolistic domination keeping products a hundred times more costly than need be for a purchase.
Steve Jobs was a nut case psychopath who thought he was a world War II fighting pilot in a previous life and treated his cancer wit alternative medicine and clearly had he been still around and we continue to see Apple being uninspiring and stagnating as it is under the leadership of Tim Cook you likely would have many lkess loving adherents to the cult of Steve Jobs. Jobs was a monopolist that drove others out of competition with his  dictatorial style and dealing with suppliers that his competitors couldn't match in spending or advertising. it is odd that the cult of Steve Jobs and advertising dollars to push it are still being spent in 2017 and espcecialy on shitty podcasts like Brad Jackson's coffee and markets

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