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Chris Tiu Keeps It Real

Dear AMW Readers:

I am attaching this Press Release not because I was asked to, its because I want to.  I am glad there are many "media channels" to keep us all aware on a health risk called "HPV" or Human Papillomavirus that has been spreading not only to women but also to men!  

To share this advocacy, I'm glad we have a "male" advocate for this - Chris Tiu, he's not  by any means related to me! hahaha We just share the same last name and same concern for health.

Feel free to read the article and hope this keeps you all aware!

If one were to survey the roster of young male Filipino celebrities who've been tagged as "role models," one would end up with a small handful of stars with a ready-made public persona of boy-next-door wholesomeness.

Still we come to hear hushed tales of some public slip-up or indiscretion that put into question many of these so-called role models' clean images.

Not so for Chris Tiu who in his past several years in the limelight has kept a spotless reputation worthy of admiration from his mostly young adoring fans.  Chris' authenticity is what sets him apart from his contemporaries.  There is a legitimate decency and genuine depth to him, even in his tenderfoot exposures, that has made him one, if not the most, credible among our contemporary young celebrity endorsers.  "I'm not trying to be somebody I'm not," Chris maintains, adding that his upbringing and athletic background had made leading a clean and upright lifestyle second nature to him.  

Thus when Chris endorses a health drink or mobile gaming, he brings with him a credibility that goes beyond publicity.  He is not a mere poster boy, but a real life representation of a healthy, fun and active lifestyle.  Chris' premium as a celebrity is not just about his looks and appeal, but the way he lives his life in and out of the spotlight.

Needless to say, some quarters were surprised to find Chris joining the advocacy to raise awareness regarding sexually transmitted infection, dubbed as "Help Fight HPV."  Launched earlier this year by global pharmaceutical company MSD, medical groups such as UP-PGH OB-Infectious Disease Section, Socity of Gynecologic Oncologiests of the Philippines, Philippine Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, and patient support group Carewell, the advocacy aims to spread the word regarding the health risks brought about by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems but sometimes, certain types of HPV can cause genital warts in men and women. Other HPV types may cause cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancers.

“I admit to being initially hesitant when I was approached about the advocacy. But once the facts were laid down to me, and after doing my own research, I knew that it was a cause that I want to be a part of,” Chris shared.

HPV is a common infection affecting both men and women. One doesn’t need to have multiple or simultaneous partners to get infected. Even in a monogamous relationship, one can still be at risk if the partner has had past sexual activity with an infected partner. 

Moreover, HPV is not only transmitted through intercourse, but through any kind of skin to skin contact (for example, hand to genital contact).  In rare cases, it may be transmitted from mother to child through childbirth.

“This is not an issue of promiscuity. I, for one, feel strongly about abstinence as the best way to prevent HPV infection. HPV vaccination is a good alternative for helping to protect against certain types of HPV-related diseases, which like any other preventive vaccine, works best prior to exposure to the virus,” Chris said. “Think of it as an investment on your health and the health of your loved ones.”

HPV vaccines, such as the quadrivalent HPV vaccine, have been approved by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration. 

“In reality, whether you’re liberal or conservative, helping spread the message regarding HPV and the ways to prevent infection has the potential to spare a lot of people from undue burden and most likely even save lives. And for that I’m proud to be part of this advocacy,” shares Chris.

Visit www.helpfighthpv.com for more information on how you can support the fight against HPV.

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!
Stay informed!

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