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[Fitness] Let's get toning week #1 Update!!

Hello to you all in the blogging world!

So as I mentioned in last weeks post (click here if you haven't read it), I am doing a little challenge for myself to tone up after losing some weight. I am currently still 52kg and I am seeing some minor results from the change in diet and more exercise! haha.

Here are two pictures of my abs (which I am trying to tone up). I have not edited them in anyway, apart from putting them together into one image side by side. 

I am trying hard to not eat processed foods like bread, biscuits, pasta, etc. because I find that when I eat them, I get really bloaty and full. Also because it's not really good for your health either.

I am eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and I rarely drink milk tea or coffee these days, I'm a green tea lover now :P

I am doing these ab exercises, as well as cycling everyday for 1 hour..

Sometimes if I feel super motivated, I will add an extra 10-20 to each of the exercises!

Bring on the next week! Woo!

If you feel like joining in, do let me know! :D

Hope you're all having a super weekend!

Lots of love,

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