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If I could only keep 10 items of make-up featuring Armani, Charlotte Tilbury, MAC, YSL, Hourglass & more!

When I saw this post on Rachel's blog last month (check her blog out if you haven't already because she is a very talented make-up artist), it got me thinking - imagine if I could only keep 10 make-up products, what would they be? To be honest, I shudder at the thoughts of it! Of course there are more important things in life than make-up and of course I would manage with only 10 products if I had to, but I couldn't imagine being so restricted - even just having 10 eyeshadows would be tough, never mind just 10 products in total! I thought long and hard about it and found that some came to mind instantly and others took a little longer to choose but today I am going to share what made my top ten!

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