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picMD makes technology beautiful!

How many times have you been on a website, seen a beautiful lipstick or eyeshadow but not been sure how it would look on you?  Do you still buy it and end up regretting the purchase or do you play it safe and not buy?  Both are terrible outcomes but luckily online makeup shopping just got a little easier thanks to picMD the world's first in-photo virtual makeover tool that allows anyone to apply a makeover to any photo by simply clicking (or on the iPhone/iPad devices, by touching) any feature of the face.  Once a region on the face or body is clicked or touched, a palette of vendor specific products appears, allowing them to be selected and applied to the appropriate area in the photo automatically, using the facial recognition technology.  The technology can be added to any online or mobile application merely with a single line of code and can transform any website into an interactive virtual makeover application.

picMD utilizes facial recognition technology which allows a photo to be uploaded and instantly calibrated without any manual calibration.  At launch, picMD will be available in two 'flavours' - cosmetic makeup (equipped with visualization functionalities including eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, and mascara amongst others) and anti-aging (equipped with browlift, rhinoplasty, dermal-filler, and face-lift options).  

It launches after a decade of research and the technology is currently licensed to 40 beauty brands and media companies and powers some of the most popular web, social network and mobile makeover applications.

Of course this won't solve the problem of when the colour swatch on the site is just totally different from what the colour looks like in real life, but it's a start! It's free to add the cosmetic makeup app to your website you can go here to check it out.

- Lisamarie -

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