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make up cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

I went out with my sister to a birthday get together. A couple of my sisters friends had way too much foundation or the wrong foundation. Which I don't like. I wish I can tell them without them getting angry. But lord knows they would kick my ass LOL... Another is Sharpie eyebrows. For those that don't know what that is. It is when you shave your eyebrows and pretty much draw a line with a eye pencil. There is no need to do that. Work with your eyebrows. Fill them in with brow powder or something. My friend is in the process of letting her eyebrows grow. She shaved them and now regrets it. Trust me I went through my share of makeup No-No's when I was younger. Now I look back and I say what was I thinking?! So share your makeup Hello everyone, I am new here and I am hoping for some advice. While I have got pretty good at making my makeup look the way I want it to, I like full coverage for most days but still pretty natural looking, I tend to get pretty tan in the sumer but always wear a strong sunblock on my face so it is usually several 

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics

Make Up Cosmetics