Nick Dumjilio
James Howard Kuntsler once again made mention of how unrealistic the Mad Maxx movies appear as a scenario after a total collapse of the system as driving will be improbable as depicted in this awful eighties movie. The movie Mad Maxx was mentioned among several other interesting items when the famed James Howard Kuntsler, oe of our favorite topics, appeared on one of our favorite nimrod Youtube showgrams called Greg Hunter'sUSA Watchdog. Howard Kuntsler appeared and talked about how the crisis of the culture and economy continue to manifest itself in America and
how people use money will change and the consequences of all this debt and money printing will have further degradation and problems not to mention more of an influx of corrupt foreigners into America and empowering themselves to ou nation and its remaining wealth for themselves and their crony allies and ties back home.

James and Greg of course didn't mention this but if they were truthful they would lay more on how immigrants and the profitization for human chain smuggling, both legal and illegal, is what really is leading to a cultural and moral e decline of our nation from a civilized one into a corrupt shitland like Tajikistan. I don't know why James Howard and Hunter critique Borat and really see what has moved America into a cultural Opioid wasteland where people are insane in the membrane. J

James told Greg that the new media climate is to play on the continuing narrative of a massive political divide and that the foreign backed media from massive amounts of money overseas is doing this to create a civil war in this nation and further divide coastal city residents form their fellow countrymen and make them more sympathetic to global causes and beliefs so the losers and foreigner like Borat can come here and ahhh open up shop sell cigars and cigarettes at low-cost and use the business for 0% eqity loans and to lower their tax payments. they also said both of these movies suck as and is typical of the crap Hollywood wishes to promote as value and entertianment.

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