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Tip for the Day: How to Apply Mascara on (Non-existent) Lower Lashes

Hi AMW friends!  I am sharing a short post but loaded with tips and tricks! 
Do you have non-existent lashes like I do?  Girls who were born with long and luscious lashes, I will understand if you leave!  *laughs*

Well, HELLO fellow short and sparse lashes!  There's a reason why you're still reading this!  *high five*

Let me clarify that I seldom apply mascara on the lower lashes as I have NONE!  Or maybe, I have some but you can literally count them and you won't exceed 20! *lol*  But, on shoots or when I need to have my photograph taken, I like to "amplify" the look of having lower lashes even a bit and I find using the mascara brush in application gives me the headache (and a lot of smudges and clumps!)  


So here's a quick tip that I do, there are many other ways to apply mascara on your lower lashes but I find this tip that I'll be sharing to you the quickest, and the effect is really natural!  Are you ready?

In this tutorial, I used Fairy Drops Film Time Platinum Mascara and a small synthetic flat shader brush from Real Techniques.

Softly grab some mascara (best if waterproof) on the tip of your brush as shown on photo below.

Gently tap the lower lashes beginning at the root of the lash line with the brush starting at the inner corners and moving out. You don't have to coat all your lashes to avoid creating unnatural spider lashes!

If you were really good with application and you don't see any smudges, feel free to apply your favorite eyeshadow shade underneath the lashes to make the lower lashes POP. 

BUT, if you created a bit of mess, do not worry, pick a sharp ended Q-Tip (Mine is from Nippon Esthetic Solutions), dip the tip with oil-free eye makeup remover and remove excess mascara.

If you find minimal clumping, comb excess mascara with a mini brush or spoolie.

There!  Quick and easy right?
Share to me some of YOUR tips on how you apply mascara on the lower lashes!
Give me love by commenting below if you want me to share more QUICK tips!

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Stay happy!

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